Source File path in workflow not visible

I have upgraded from Centerprise version 7 to version 8. In the new version of workflows, I don’t see SourceFile in the input of RunDataflow to map the full path coming from File System. Is it replaced with $JobFilePath? I tried it but it’s not working.

Can you please help in this matter? How can I pass source file path to a dataflow in a workflow?

Some significant changes have been made to parametrization in Centerprise v8.

The SourceFilePath is not an option anymore in v8. This objective can be achieved by creating a variable in the dataflow as an input parameter and refer to that variable in the Config parameter screen of the object. Then, you can pass the FullPath from File System Item Source to RunDataflow.

Here is a documentation article that summarizes parametrization in Centerprise 8 and can help you learn more: